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iFactory – P21 New Assembly Tools Concept

The project New Concepts in Flexible Packaging emerged from the need for the development of a new packaging solution, for the transportation of electrostatic sensitive devices, between workstations positioned across factory facilities. Main target included the development of a smart and flexible packaging that enabled the safe accommodation of variable electronic products, while also providing real-time monitoring.
The packaging solution was successfully achieved by combining advancements in design, material formulation, and integration of a smart system for tracking and constant information update. The developed packaging solution provided not only an optimization and simplification of the internal processes of the company, but also an improvement of productivity and efficiency.
DONE Lab integrates the project as the coordinator and main developer in terms of engineering design and functional prototyping by means of additive manufacturing, in the various stages of product development.
This project was developed in the framework of the R&D Programme Innovative Car HMI (iFactory), based in collaborative partnership between Bosch Car Multimedia S.A. and University of Minho.



Project Code: POCI-01-0247-FEDER-002814

Start date: 01/07/2015
End date: 31/07/2018

Project Sheet

Investment: 22.350.581,45 EUR

Finance: 11.617.444,87 EUR (FEDER)

Eligible Cost: 19.833.431,54 EUR

Co-financed by:

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