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14 de outubro de 2022


The INOV.AM has started! The kick-off meeting of the project INOV.AM, led by the company Erofio - Engenharia e Fabricação de Moldes, SA and by Principal Investigator António Pontes, held on october 14th. DONE Lab is proud to integrate the consortium of this mobilizing program for Innovation in Additive Manufacturing, composed by companies from various sectors of activity and a set of entities from the national scientific system, aiming the development in several areas of intervention that include: new materials, advanced additive manufacturing processes, advanced post-production processes, advanced automation and control software, new products, training and empowerment of human resources.
The project is expected to contribute to increasing the competitiveness and resilience of the portuguese economy, based on R&TD, innovation and diversification and specialization of the production structure.

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