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Factory of the Future – P48 Pickup & Placement improvement

Pickup & Placement improvement project has as technical objectives, (1) the development of a virtual test and simulation system that allows the modelling of the various components involved with the definition of individual and collective impact; (2) the identification of physical limitations of the process; (3) the development and/or optimization of materials for the manufacturing process of nozzles; and (4) the construction of tools for the evaluation of components/nozzles (detection of non-conformities) and the physical limitations of the process.

In all, the expected results will promote a reduction in the rejection of components inserted in the pick & place machines, and a reduction in the cycle time of the insertion lines.

Logo_Factory of the Future.png

Project Code: POCI-01-0247-FEDER-039479

Start date: 01/07/2018
End date: 31/12/2021

Project Sheet

Finance: 13.280.829,24 EUR (FEDER)

Eligible Cost: 22.836.903,08 EUR

Co-financed by:

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