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HfPT - Health from Portugal
WP1 Innovative Diagnostics and Therapies

The HfPT agenda aims to position Portugal as a global reference hub in the design, development, and production of advanced solutions targeted at healthcare markets, based on innovation and technology.

WP1 aims to develop several highly innovative solutions for the diagnosis and monitoring of diseases with global expression (e.g., cancer, neurodegenerative diseases), as well as the conception of a differentiated solution for the global problem of antibiotic resistance. 
More operationally, this WP aims to achieve objectives at two major levels, essentially focused on two strategic pillars: (i) at the early diagnosis level, increasing the sensitivity, speed, and specificity of disease detection methods with global expression, through the exploration and combination of nanotechnology, advanced optical technologies, and optimization of biomarkers; (ii) at the advanced therapy level, enhancing the personalization of therapeutic approaches, allowing for a significant increase in their effectiveness and a reduction in the undesirable effects of standardized therapies. 
The aim is to create the necessary conditions for the pioneering implementation of personalized phage therapy in Portugal, as well as for the creation of innovative vaccines, allowing Portugal to have the infrastructure and capacity necessary to ensure the development and production of differentiated vaccines in the coming years.

DONE Lab integrates the project as the main supporter in the development of suitable solutions in terms of engineering design and additive manufacturing of functional prototypes for testing and validation, as well as the fabrication of the final prototypes. Additionally, it is involved in the development of concepts, prototyping, and production of cartridges.


Project Code: 02/C05-i01.01/2022.PC644937233-00000047
Start date: 01/11/2021
End date: 31/12/2025

Investment: 90 600 634,08 EUR

Eligible Cost: 70.270.000,00 EUR

Co-financed by:

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