GreenAuto - Green Innovation for the Automotive Industry
WP6 Development and Industrialization of Steering Wheels with HMI

GreenAuto Agenda aims to transform the national automotive industry in the context of the current transition to low-emission vehicles. To achieve this, it proposes creating technical and operational conditions for Stellantis Mangualde to initiate the production of a new light commercial vehicle (LCV) in Portugal, specifically a battery electric light commercial vehicle (BE-LCV), while simultaneously ensuring a high level of national incorporation. To accomplish this objective, 10 work packages (WPs) have been established.
DONE Lab integrates into WP6 - Development and Industrialization of Steering Wheels with HMI, as a supporter in the development of a new concept of Human Machine Interfaces (HMI) embedded within the steering wheel. This entails tasks related to user experience research (focus group sessions), as well as the design and development, and additive manufacturing Productions of both development and final prototypes.

Start date: 01/10/2021
End date: 31/12/2025
Investment: 118.461.005 EUR
Finance: 59.812.630 EUR (IAPMEI)
Eligible Cost: 118.461.005 EUR
Co-financed by: