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Lab4U&Spaces - Living Lab of Interactive Urban Space Solutions

The Lab4U&Spaces project can be seen as a Living Lab of Interactive Urban Space Solutions to which three research lines converge, by merging physical and digital elements, to promote sustainable and safe urban space solutions and enhance interaction and mobility.

The proposed challenges are addressed in three research lines bridging the gap between urban intelligence and physical, virtual and digital elements, and sharing the commitment with developing added value products to drive new uses of urban spaces: (1) Urban space, community, environment and technological interfaces; (2) Universal cyber-physical elements; (3) Smart & sustainable products for urban space.


DONE Lab’s participation in the project involves critical knowledge in regarding to extrusion-based additive manufacturing techniques, in terms of defining the essential requirements and specifications, as well as infer strategies and methods for quality processing of recycled urban plastic waste.

The definition of design guidelines for additive manufacturing is crucial for the integration of functional systems into building parts by means of process optimization analysis and parameterization experiments.

In addition, the research also enables the realization of demonstrators that support the need for the performed test studies and that present both material and production potential.


Project Code: NORTE-01-0145-FEDER-000072

Start date: 01/04/2021

End date: 30/06/2023

Finance: 495 910,42 EUR (FEDER)

Eligible Cost: 583 424,02 EUR

Co-financed by:

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