i9LOGO - Innovation in the Development and Production of Logos for the Automotive Industry

The i9LOGO project aims to develop a technological solution for the manufacturing of chromed products that meet applicable requirements for physical and chemical resistance, particularly automotive logos, through non-electrolytic means, using cathodic spraying of metals (PVD - Physical Vapor Deposition). This approach makes the metallization process more sustainable, environmentally friendly, and enhances new functionalities.
DONE Lab participates in the project as a supporter in the design and production of polymer-based additive manufacturing moulding inserts to define hybrid moulds for the development and production of customized and functional logos for automobiles. The injected parts obtained with the resource to hybrid mould manufactured by DONE Lab were then treated with sustainable surface coating solutions through Physical Vapor Deposition technology (PVD) combined with pad printing.

Project Code: POCI-01-0247-FEDER-072607
Start date: 01/03/2021
End date: 30/06/2023
Finance: 715.356,47 EUR (FEDER)
Eligible Cost: 92.254,00 EUR
Co-financed by: