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SIFA - Smart System for Additive Manufacturing

SIFA project aimed to obtain critical knowledge in Additive Manufacturing (AM) of different materials, specifically metallic, polymeric, ceramic and cementitious materials, through Powder Bed Fusion and Material Extrusion technologies.

The innovations contemplated the development of solutions that use these technologies for the production of high performance products, namely:
- Development of material for Powder Bed Fusion technology with functional properties for application in the automotive industry;
- A Material Extrusion equipment for the production of products in ceramic and cementitious materials;
- A software application to control, optimise and predict the properties of printing products during the whole process (SIFA for metal, polymer and ceramic);
- Three demonstrator prototypes: an electronic enclosure with electromagnetic barrier characteristics; a metallic part for the aerospace sector; and a part in ceramic and cementitious material for architectural application.


DONE Lab integrates into the project as responsible for the development and characterization of AM materials with advanced mechanical and electrical properties, optimization of AM processes through parameter assessment, design and development of optimized products for the aerospace and automotive electronics industries, structural computer-aided engineering analysis, and also the production of prototypes for testing in various stages of product development, using plastic and metal-based AM technologies.


Project Code: POCI-01-0247-FEDER-047108
Start date: 01/07/2020
End date: 30/06/2023

Project Sheet

Finance: 2.004.103,91 EUR (FEDER)

Eligible Cost: 2.997.658,84 EUR

Co-financed by:

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