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LEIMSA - Lightweight Electronics by Injection Moulding in Seamless Architecture

The LEIMSA project aims to develop disruptive components for the interior of the car of the future, with the purpose of following the market evolutive trends in the automotive industry and anticipate materializai-os. Decorative elements and distinctive features will be integrated into the products with as few operations as possible, through the use of emerging technologies in the mould (in-mould operations) and lightweight, such as In-Mould Decoration (IMD), and In-Mould Labelling (IML), High Pressure Forming (HPF) and In-Mould Electronics (IME), for the development of intelligent and haptic surfaces, with an attractive seamless 3D design and an immersive and intuitive Human-Machine Interface (HMI), centred on the user experience.

DONE Lab integrates into the project as responsible for the development of suitable solutions in terms of engineering design, additive manufacturing of functional prototypes for testing and validation, and for the manufacture of the final prototype.


Project Code: POCI-01-0247-FEDER-048378
Start date: 01/08/2020
End date: 30/06/2023

Project Sheet

Finance: 3.036.914,62 EUR (FEDER)

Eligible Cost: 4.802.431,13 EUR

Co-financed by:

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