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INOV.AM – WP1 Hybridization

INOV.AM is an innovation mobilization program in Additive Manufacturing that aims at development in various intervention areas, including new materials, advanced additive manufacturing processes, advanced post-production processes, advanced automation and control software, new products, and training and capacity building of human resources. 

See more about agenda here.

WP1 aims to introduce additive manufacturing into integrated production cells, enhancing technological combinations and empowering the industry to produce sustainable, cost-effective hybrid products. This reduces time-to-market and simplifies production processes. 
The project focuses on analysing food sector products, often made with non-natural materials and conventional methods, which typically require significant changes in production equipment for customization, impacting costs and time-to-market. To address these challenges, the project integrates additive manufacturing into production cells, allowing for automated production of insert parts without the need for tooling changes. 
It also focuses on integrating green materials and implementing sustainable design strategies to ensure easy separation, recycling, or reuse. 
Additionally, the project seeks to automate manual processes in the automotive sector by using additive manufacturing systems for precise sealing material deposition, improving efficiency, and reducing rejection rates.

DONE Lab integrates into WP1 as the scientific coordinator and the responsible for material development for additive manufacturing (AM), as well as the design and production of insert parts to be incorporated into hybrid products during the early testing phase. 
This participation also encompasses computer-aided engineering (CAE) studies, such as process and structural simulations, applied to the developed designs to ensure that they meet the specifications and requirements for the final products.



Project Code: C644865234-00000004

Start date: 01/07/2022
End date: 31/12/2025

Project Sheet

Investment: 76.952.903,21 EUR

Finance: 53.267.360,64 EUR (IAPMEI)

Co-financed by:

INOV.AM is financed by the Agency for Competitiveness and Innovation – IAPMEI, I.P, under the Framework Programme: Recovery and Resilience Plan (PRR) and Operational Programme: C5. Capitalisation and Business Innovation, referring to Mobilising Agendas for Reindustrialisation.

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