INOV.AM – WP23 Innovation and Sustainability Management

INOV.AM is an innovation mobilization program in Additive Manufacturing that aims at development in various intervention areas, including new materials, advanced additive manufacturing processes, advanced post-production processes, advanced automation and control software, new products, and training and capacity building of human resources.
See more about agenda here.
WP23 integrates cross-cutting actions to amplify the value generated by other Work Packages. It encompasses five activities distributed across four Intervention Areas:
A1: Technological surveillance and knowledge protection - focus on gathering, analysing, and disseminating relevant science and technology information to facilitate decision-making with reduced risk.
A2: Certification models – development of certification models and guidelines for additive manufacturing processes and products.
A3: Sustainability management - assessment project outcomes environmentally, economically, and socially against the project's baseline.
A4: Knowledge mobility – promotion of additive manufacturing technology and materials domestically and internationally, culminating in high-value products.
A5: Management, dissemination, and economic valorisation of results – ensuring adherence to project deadlines and budgets while maximizing the economic value derived from project results.
DONE Lab integrates into WP23 as a supporter in the promotion, dissemination, and economic valorisation of project results.

Project Code: C644865234-00000004
Start date: 01/07/2022
End date: 31/12/2025
Investment: 76.952.903,21 EUR
Finance: 53.267.360,64 EUR (IAPMEI)
Co-financed by:
INOV.AM is financed by the Agency for Competitiveness and Innovation – IAPMEI, I.P, under the Framework Programme: Recovery and Resilience Plan (PRR) and Operational Programme: C5. Capitalisation and Business Innovation, referring to Mobilising Agendas for Reindustrialisation.