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INOV.AM – WP8 Laser Reconstruction

INOV.AM is an innovation mobilization program in Additive Manufacturing that aims at development in various intervention areas, including new materials, advanced additive manufacturing processes, advanced post-production processes, advanced automation and control software, new products, and training and capacity building of human resources. 

See more about agenda here.


WP8 aims to develop portable equipment for reconstructing metal moulds in the medical sector. It enables quick and minimally intrusive interventions at the client's location, particularly on the assembly line. Quality control is ensured through portable dimensional inspection equipment integrated into a single system. The equipment integrates additive and subtractive technologies along with quality inspection, led by respective experts. This approach streamlines mould modification and repair, saving time and reducing logistical challenges. Additionally, it enhances communication protocols, wear monitoring, and spare parts management.


DONE Lab integrates into WP8 as the scientific coordinator and as a supporter in the development of a suitable solution for additive manufacturing (AM) in terms of manufacturing and finishing processes, through characterization testing of metal materials produced by means of additive and subtractive methods.


Project Code: C644865234-00000004

Start date: 01/07/2022
End date: 31/12/2025

Project Sheet

Investment: 76.952.903,21 EUR

Finance: 53.267.360,64 EUR (IAPMEI)

Co-financed by:

INOV.AM is financed by the Agency for Competitiveness and Innovation – IAPMEI, I.P, under the Framework Programme: Recovery and Resilience Plan (PRR) and Operational Programme: C5. Capitalisation and Business Innovation, referring to Mobilising Agendas for Reindustrialisation.

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