INOV.AM – WP7 Comfort and Safety Products for Sports of Leisure and Competition

INOV.AM is an innovation mobilization program in Additive Manufacturing that aims at development in various intervention areas, including new materials, advanced additive manufacturing processes, advanced post-production processes, advanced automation and control software, new products, and training and capacity building of human resources.
See more about agenda here.
WP7 aims to integrate additive manufacturing (AM) technologies into the two-wheeled vehicle industry for leisure and competition sports, aiming to improve production processes, competitiveness, and efficiency while creating disruptive, tailored products. Metal AM will replace current components, using digital tools for mass optimization and performance maximization, sometimes employing an additional overmoulding step with polymer for hybrid products. Polymer AM will enhance products, creating components optimized for high-performance or comfort applications. The project advances AM application, fostering innovative products with sustainable design strategies considered throughout development, including end-of-life considerations. Sustainability will be assessed through lifecycle environmental impact studies.
DONE Lab integrates into WP7 as the scientific coordinator and is responsible for the product design and development, for performing simulation analyses considering the real test environment to produce preliminary and functional prototypes for testing, as well as for the final products that can be commercialized using additive manufacturing (AM) production with the selected technologies.

Project Code: C644865234-00000004
Start date: 01/07/2022
End date: 31/12/2025
Investment: 76.952.903,21 EUR
Finance: 53.267.360,64 EUR (IAPMEI)
Co-financed by:
INOV.AM is financed by the Agency for Competitiveness and Innovation – IAPMEI, I.P, under the Framework Programme: Recovery and Resilience Plan (PRR) and Operational Programme: C5. Capitalisation and Business Innovation, referring to Mobilising Agendas for Reindustrialisation.