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Tooling 4G - Advanced Tools for Smart Manufacturing

The TOOLING4G project emerged under the scope of CLUSTER ENGINEERING & TOOLING, which integrates a broad value chain (from design to final product), to respond to global customers who increasingly demand turnkey solutions.
This project intends to create and transfer innovative technologies within the challenges of INDUSTRY 4.0, INDUSTRY SCAN, and in particular, the "Manufacture-Zero defects", to support a new offer in differentiated products for various sectors in the international market (e.g. automotive, medical devices, aeronautics, packaging, electronics).

DONE Lab integrates the project as supporter in the development of test specimens for material characterization and data gathering, and also in the conceptualization and manufacture of prototypes for destructive testing and reconstitution, always by means of metal based additive manufacturing. This development opens new possibilities for products recovery and a new application purpose for additive manufacturing.

This project was developed in the framework of the Programa Operacional Competitividade e Internacionalização (POCI), through a collective and strategic dynamic of the companies and entities of the associated scientific and technological system in the Cluster Engineering & Tooling.


Project Code: POCI-01-0247-FEDER-024516

Start date: 01/03/2018
End date: 28/02/2021

Project Sheet

Finance: 4.804.206,14 EUR (FEDER)

Eligible Cost: 7.562.190,96

Co-financed by:

fundos3_3logos-FEDER - Cópia.png
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