KERAMOS - Additive Manufacturing of Innovative and Multifunctional Ceramic Products for Architectural Systems

The KERAMOS project emerged with the purpose of expanding application possibilities and functionalities of ceramic products fabricated by additive manufacturing technology.
DONE Lab integrates the project as the main supporter in the development of suitable solutions in terms of engineering design for additive manufacturing. Connection elements to attach ceramic parts were conceived based in polymeric additive manufacturing. This innovative approach enables an expansion of the dimensional scale variability of the ceramic parts, while also providing a multi-material and multi-functional hybrid product. In addition, research will encompass applying magnetron sputtered coatings to potentiate multifunctional characteristics.
This project was developed in the framework of the R&D MIT Programme, based in the fruitful cooperation between DONE Lab, the AC Lab, and the Functional Coatings and Biofilm Group.

Project Code: MIT-EXPL/ISF/0006/2017
Start date: 01/06/2018
End date: 31/05/2019
Co-financed by: