Pack2Life - High Performance Packaging

The Pack2Life project emerged to solve an identified need for a new modular packaging that would adapt to different conditions of use such as transport, storage, or even exposure to public, while ensuring the maintenance of the organoleptic characteristics of the packaged fruit, and thereby increase the lifespan, especially in regarding to stone fruits due to their perishability. In this pursuit, research matters will also encompass mould design and production optimization aiming a single and reduced production cycle, while ensuring a competitive price.
DONE Lab integrates the project as the main responsible for the engineering design for a packaging solution and all its constituent components, and also for the manufacturing of prototypes for testing during the various stages of the product development.
Pack2Life was based on a co-promotion project involving a consortium of eight entities, including four companies and four non-business SI&I entities, which integrate the clusters Engineering & Tooling and Inovcluster.

Project Code: POCI-01-0247-FEDER-033792
Start date: 01/04/2018
End date: 22/06/2022
Finance: 1.155.619,88 EUR (FEDER)
Eligible Cost: 1.587.140,06 EUR
Co-financed by: